An In-Depth Guide on Original Serious Mass 6lb with High Definition Original Product Images
This is the most awaited article for most of the Pakistani Body builders and fitness freaks. Why? The reason is that Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass is one of the most highest selling and reputed mass gainer in Pakistan. Serious Mass in Pakistan is mostly available in Chocolate, Vanilla and Strawberry but our personal favorite is Strawberry as it allows us to add and mix different flavors such as adding strawberries, bananas and other fruits to make it even more effective while being tasty.
Although there are a lot of reliable sellers in the market, two things prevail that haunt customers not only in terms of being expensive but being fake as well that can harm one’s health. At Synergize.pk we believe in customer education. We are a group of highly educated and passionate fitness experts that are dedicated in providing information on all kinds of supplements to all Pakistanis. As Serious Mass 6lb is favorite for Pakistani’s it is seen that most people are copying this product and looting people. Synergize.pk will discuss in details about how to identify Original Serious Mass 6lb Jar in Pakistan with authentic and self taken images that will guide and differentiate between a fake and an original ON Serious Mass.
This page is continuously updated to keep the product images according to the Supplement company standard.

We will start of with the front image of ON serious mass 6lb. The first destinction of an original product is its finishing. You can clearly see that an Original serious mass is labeled properly with Registered marks, flavour specification and a clear shining black bottle.

The above picture is of a detailed graph of ingredients present in an Original and Authentic Serious Mass 6lb. Please Maximize the image and go through all ingredients so that you are sure it matches with your purchased product as well. You can also notice the ON sign at the bottom of the wrap.

Now comes the fun part. An authentic ON product has an embossed cap. The image clearly shows the ON logo which is embossed with an embossed tag line of true strength. The emboss cap should have a fine quality with no spelling or design mistakes.

Optimum Nutrition Seal is the most important trademark of their brand. They claim that this seal cannot get copied and yes that is true. The ON golden seal is the most important sign to judge a product for its authenticity. The ON seal is golden in color and when you move the product you can see that it shines just like a highlighter. The seal is seamless which means that it is not a sticker but it is embossed with the black seal at the top of the container. Make sure to double check the seal of ON products as some people try to copy it but it can be easily identify if you follow this post.

For any eatable product, be it a medicine, fast food or supplement, the expiration date is very important for it to be consumed without any risk. In case of optimum nutrition Serious Mass 6lb, the expiration date is at the bottom of the jar and is in blue colored ink. Most of the ONs products come with a 2 year expiration date. So for example if a product is manufactured in 02 May 20016, it should have an expiration date of 02 May 2018. Please make sure to purchase a product with a clear expiration date. Although this date gets erased, you should make sure to ask for a product that has an expiration date mentioned or atleast manufacturing date is clear.
We get a lot of questions from customer who go through our articles about the bottom of the ON jar. The questions is why the bottom looks like it was opened and sealed together. Well, the answer is that it is manufactured this way from the company and there is nothing we can do about it.
Synergize.pk is proud to be Pakistan’s #1 Online supplement and fitness store as it has over 900 loyal customers and an unmatched and unparalleled customer service which is available around the clock either through Facebook, whats-app, text or a phone call. If you have any questions regarding this articles, please do comment and let us know space for any improvements or products that you think we should review.
If you want to buy the most cheapest and authentic Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass 6 Lb you can do it here.
Very nice article. Keep it up guys.
Good effort.. but i am little confuse will u guide me which product i use a weight gainer or a whey protein?
Hi Zeeshan,
Deciding on whey or weight gainer depends on your goals. If you are looking for lean muscles then choose Whey protein. If your goal is to gain overall body weight then go ahead with weight gainer such as serious mass or masstech.
Muje chachye waith gainer… Koi Acha.
Dear Sahil,
Thank you for your interest. Serious mass is very good for weight gaining purpose. You can also check masstech by muscle tech.
Sir mujhy optimum mas gain 6lbs lena hi kia tarike kar hi bata dain
Hi, i hope this product is original, but after buying if i find anything wrong or fake, what could i do for this.? How can i return it.?
bhia distibutr stamp?