An Easy Comparison on Top 4 Weight Gainer Supplements in Pakistan
Anyone who wants to gain weight and start eating clean know that gaining weight is not something to take lightly. This is the reason why weight gainer supplements work like a charm. Especially for those bodybuilders who want to gain only muscle mass and not fat. Bodybuilders living in Pakistan face a tough challenge to choose between right food (desi food is a tough choice for us) to eat that can help them achieve their mass goals. This is the reason why weight gainer supplements in Pakistan are the highest selling nutritional supplements considering the body structure we have. Although there are many supplements to choose from, the team at Synergize would recommend the following three most famous and highest selling weight gainer supplements.
1: Optimum Nutrition Serious Mass:
This particular product is present in the market for almost two decades now. It is said to be the highest selling weight loss supplement in the world. It comes in packaging of 3 kg and 6 KG.
- It has more than 1250 calories
- 50 grams of protein,
- Bcaas and
- Creatine
You can get up to 16 servings in a 6 KG box. It also has more than 250 grams of Carbohydrates per serving with no added sugar. Optimum Nutrition serious mass is loaded with vitamins l-glutamine and other nutrients. These nutrients coupled with a healthy diet can help you achieve stronger workouts and quicker recovery time.
For those people living in Pakistan who consider supplements as steroids, kindly note that these supplements are being sold all over the world as over the counter products and do not require any kind of prescription.
Why choose Optimum Nutrition serious mass?
Optimum Nutrition is present in the market for almost 3 decades. It is a company which has been operating since 1986 and is one of the few manufacturing companies in the supplement business that has its own in GMP compliant manufacturing plant. Optimum Nutrition promises the same taste and the same amount of nutrients for servant Optimum Nutrition serious mass has an overall rating of 8.4 on bodybuilding.com. With the flavour rating of 9 highest being for chocolate peanut butter. Just like any other supplements, using this particular one is also easy. Just add 1 or 2 scoops of powder in milk or water and shake it for about 45 to 60 seconds you can also add your own flavoring such as bananas, strawberries, ice cubes and other fruits to increase the flavor and nutrients for the product. It is best to use the product after exercise and before going to bed. This will ensure that your body gets the right nutrients at the right time. You can get both 3 kg and 6 kg packing from synergize with 3 kg for Rs: 5300 and 6kg for only rupees 7500 with free cash on delivery in Pakistan.
2: MuscleTech Masstech:
Second, most sold supplement in weight gainer category is Muscletech Mass Tech. It comes in 7 LB, 12 lb and 22 LB.
How is it different from Optimum Nutrition serious mass?
It has more protein and less number of calories per serving which makes it ideal for those bodybuilders who want to gain clean muscle mass and no fat. Unlike serious mass, Muscletech Mass Tech is actually a blend of different proteins. It has more than 17 grams of Bcaas and 156 grams of carbs per serving. The protein is actually divided into different forms of fast, medium and slow types of protein which are hydrolyzed protein, isolate protein and casein protein which makes it ideal for those looking for an overall day solution. According to Muscletech, it is proven that using one serving per day with skim milk can increase your muscle mass. People have also seen up to 1 and half inches increase on the chest and half inches increase on arms. It is actually one of the few mass gainers in the market that has used multiphase Technology. Like all weight gainers Muscletech Mass Tech serving is also divided into 5 scoops. You need to take 5 scoops a day in order to get 1000 Calories and 80 grams of protein. The best time to take any weight gainer supplement is after workout and before going to bed. It is available on our Store in 7 lb for rupees 7200 and also available in the big bucket which is more economical for Rs: 12,980 for 22 LB.
3: Labrada Nutrition Muscle Mass Gainer
Also a weight gainer supplement which most of Pakistanis haven’t heard about. The reason being, Labrada a very old company but not being launched in Pakistan makes it an unpopular brand. Overall the Labrada nutrition is better than optimum nutrition and Muscletech.
Why is it better?
Labrador only uses high quality products which makes its product expensive than others in the market but nonetheless high quality ingredients give you a piece of mind in terms of nutrients, protein and other preservatives that are added in supplements. Labrada Nutrition Muscle Mass gainer has more than 1200 calories 80 grams of protein but does not contain any Gluten and artificial sweeteners which makes it one of a kind.
4: Muscletech Premium Mass Gainer:
Is also weight gainer product which is available in Pakistan. It is actually same as Optimum Nutrition serious mass. It has the same amount of calories, protein and other nutrients. It is ideal option for those looking for a premium product at a lesser price. If you buy from synergize you can get it for only Rs: 6800.
In the end it is important to note that whatever supplement you decide to buy, always buy from a trusted seller just like us. We are not just saying that as we are actually importers of supplements and hold a license from DRAP which is a licensing authority in Pakistan. We not only provide original products with hundred percent money back guarantee on whatever we have to offer, we also give products that have long expiration dates and free gifts on each order. With a 5 star rating on Facebook, makes us one of the Best and most trusted names in the fitness industry of Pakistan.